Noxious Weeds

Control of Noxious Weeds

Alberta is protected under  legislation to protect its valuable assets from invasive species.

Plants are designated as weeds due to their invasive growth habit, lack of palatability to livestock and their ability to outcompete agricultural crops.
Many of the weeds that are of concern started out in people's flower beds, escaped as ornamentals and due to their invasive nature and lack of native pests they became a problem.  While all weeds in the Weed Control Regulation should be controlled some weeds are more common in this County, namely:

Prohibited Noxious Weeds

Himalayan Balsam
Spotted Knapweed
Orange Hawkweed

Noxious Weeds

Canada Thistle
Common Tansy
Dame's Rocket
Ox-eye Daisy
Yellow Toadflax
Tall Buttercup
Perennial Sow Thistle
Scentless Chamomile

For a complete listing of noxious and prohibited weeds in Alberta visit:

Government of Alberta - Provincially Regulated Weeds