Planning & Development
Our Planning & Development department provides many services to shape the future growth of the municipality as a whole. In accordance with Land Use Bylaw No.11-2019, we offer the following services:
- Development Permits
- Subdivisions through Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency (MMSA)
- Land Use Amendments
- Permits & Inspections through Superior Safety Codes
- Rural Addressing
- Plans, Policies and Bylaws
Development Permits
A development permit is required prior to any development taking place within the municipality, as per the Land Use Bylaw. Development Permit Applications can be obtained at the MD office or electronically:
Development Permit Application
If you are a registered landowner (or their authorized agent) and you wish to create two or more lots from a single parcel of land, you must receive approval prior to subdividing.
MMSA - Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency in Berwyn AB Canada (MMSA) is the Subdivision Authority for the MD. MMSA is responsible for processing all subdivision applications within the municipality. You can contact MMSA for more information on the subdivision process and how to apply at:
Phone: 780-338-3862
Fax: 780-338-3811
Subdivision and Development Appeals
Decisions made by the Development Authority and Subdivision Authority may be appealed to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB), an impartial body that makes decisions based solely on evidence presented at a hearing and in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Appeals can be made regarding development permit decisions, stop orders and subdivision authority orders. If you wish to file an appeal, please contact the MD office for assistance.
Permits and Inspections
The Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 is Accredited in the Building Safety Codes Disciplines for Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Gas, and Private Sewage.
The following agency is authorized by Alberta Municipal Affairs to issue permits and provide compliance monitoring in Municipalities.
Superior Safety Codes Inc. (Edmonton, Alberta)
Superior is our Safety Codes agent for building, plumbing, gas, private sewage and electrical.
Suite 100, 14535 – 118 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5L 2M7
Land Use Amendments
Often referred to as rezoning, Land Use Amendments changes the land use classification of a property to allow for future development that is not currently allowed. In order to reclassify or rezone the land, you must apply to amend the Land Use Bylaw. Applications can be obtained at the MD office or electronically:
Land Use Amendment / Rezoning Application
Municipal Development Plan
Section 632 of the Municipal Government Act refers to Municipal Development Plans. Municipalities with a population of 3,500 persons or more must adopt a municipal development plan. Municipalities with a population of less than 3,500 persons may adopt one. A municipality wishing to allow for a direct control district must adopt a municipal development plan.
The purpose of this Municipal Development Plan is to provide clear direction to Council and Administration for the future growth and development of Municipal District of Spirit River No.133.
This Plan guides future development by defining the vision, principles, objectives, and policies of the Municipal District with respect to planning matters. The MDP, in addition to applicable Provincial legislation, provides a foundation for the preparation of more detailed land use plans; is intended to be used in conjunction with Municipal District’s Land Use Bylaw to implement the policies of this Plan; and to inform residents and developers of the Municipal District’s future land use strategy.
The Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 632 of the Municipal Government Act, and replaces the previous Municipal Development Plan, Bylaw 02-2009 which was adopted on August 26th, 2009.
MD Spirit River Municipal Development Plan 2019
Intermunicipal Development Plan
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires all municipalities to adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) and an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) with each of its municipal neighbours. The IDP and ICF reflect mutual agreements on growth and shared services between two or more municipalities.
This IDP, adopted by Bylaw, identifies a 50 year development strategy between the Municipal District of Spirit River No. 133 (“MD”), the Town of Spirit River (“Town”) and the Village of Rycroft (“Village”). An IDP is a collaborative plan that is intended to address the long-term growth and development of lands that are of joint interest to the municipalities, in a coordinated fashion, and to promote regional partnerships. Matters of interest include land use, transportation, servicing, future growth, economic development, intermunicipal programs, and the funding of future growth.
The ICF(s) to which this IDP will be appended, will be created by a separate bylaw in accordance with Section 708.3(1) of the MGA.
MD Spirit River, Town of Spirit River, Village of Rycroft Intermunicipal Development Plan 2019