News You Can Use: News items from external sources that might be useful to MDSR residents.

Bursaries Available!

The Council of the Municipal District of Spirit River #133 have implemented THREE $1,000.00 bursaries for students entering full time studies at a post secondary institution in Canada such as a University , Community College or an on-line program.

These bursaries apply to students and “continuing students” alike who are residents of the Municipal District of Spirit River #133.

Applicants must demonstrate their past leadership qualities and/or commitments to their community in helping others. Applicants must also illustrate how their course of study will assist them in the future to exercise leadership and/or continue to demonstrate their commitment to their communities and to others in Northern Alberta.

Applications may be picked up at the Municipal District of Spirit River #133 office at 4202-50th street, Spirit River, AB.

Completed Applications must be returned no later than  July 31, 2017.